A change in mindset sees the red and greens out of blocks swiftly

Dave Starling.Dave Starling.
Dave Starling.
Market Rasen & Louth secured victory over Kettering by the narrowest of margins.

Willingham Road is fast becoming the place to be for the neutral rugby fan as another fascinating game unfolded, with switches in the balance of power and the result in doubt right up to the final whistle, but nerve jangling for the respective sets of rival supporters who each had good reason to believe their side would emerge triumphant.

There is definitely a change of mindset in the red and greens as the lumbering slow starts of the past have been banished, and Saturday was no exception.

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An early penalty was drilled into touch for the forwards to launch their well-rehearsed catch and drive routine.

Christian Mills and Jake Pryer in action.Christian Mills and Jake Pryer in action.
Christian Mills and Jake Pryer in action.

With the Rasen pack easing their way towards the Kettering line, skipper Chris Starling peeled off from the driving maul and powered his way over the line for the opening score with only three minutes on the clock.

Fly half Dan Robinson added the conversion to maximise the early marker laid down by the home side.

Seven minutes later Rasen repeated the dose as another Kettering misdemeanour was punished in similar fashion with lock Chris Mills finishing off the excellent work of his forward teammates.

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A lapse in concentration from the re-start gave Kettering an opportunity to clawback the deficit, but skipper Tom Bridgeman’s penalty attempt drifted wide of the posts.

Christian Mills and Jake Pryer in action.Christian Mills and Jake Pryer in action.
Christian Mills and Jake Pryer in action.

However, Bridgeman became a constant thorn in Rasen’s side as his elusive running posed innumerable problems for the home defence as he appeared to be Teflon coated judging by the number of would be tacklers who slipped off him.

As the half wore on the Kettering forwards were starting to gain the upper hand, forcing Rasen to defend their driving play.

From a set scrum deep in Rasen’s twenty-two, the Kettering eight shunted the home pack backwards for number eight Dan Ireland to pick up at the base and drive over the whitewash.

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Bridgeman slotted the conversion and then tormented the red and greens with a dazzling run that sliced open the defence to threaten the home line.

Last ditch tackling managed to stifle the move and push the play into touch to leave Rasen clinging to a slender 12–7 lead at the interval.

Rasen extended their lead with a Robinson penalty in the fourth minute of the second half, but this merely masked the switch in the balance of power that was emerging at the end of the first period as Kettering were moving up a gear.

Three minutes later Bridgeman burrowed his way over the whitewash following a powerful catch and drive from his forwards that had had Rasen retreating.

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