Here's how to see a 'super snow moon' in the night sky this weekend

The night sky will be dominated this weekend by 2020's first super 'snow' moon.

The Super Snow Moon will appear in the early hours of Sunday 9 February 2020, with the official peak happening at 07:33am GMT.

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Gordon Johnston from NASA said, “The moon will appear full for about three days centred around this time, from Friday evening to Monday morning, making this a full moon weekend.”

What is a super snow moon?

The name 'snow moon' comes from native american tribes whom associated the event with the winter weather.

It is also known as a 'hunger moon' or 'storm moon' reflected again by the traits of the long, cold, stormy winter months.

A super moon occurs when a full moon orbits closer to the earth than most nights. It is illuminated by both the sun making it seem larger and brighter than usual.

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