St James' Church '˜back to normal' after repairs

St James' Church in Louth.St James' Church in Louth.
St James' Church in Louth.
Church-goers in Louth are preparing to move back into St James' Church after it was closed for more than a month for repairs.

As reported previously, the Church had to close for most of January and February due to repairs to the heading system and the discovery of asbestos lagging in underground piping which has now been treated.

In a statement this week, Reverend Nick Brown said: “The heating has been on in St James’ for the last few days and the church is beginning to warm up – even to feel comfortable!

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“The vergers have also spent a lot of time and energy in getting things back into order, and we are now ready to move back into our normal home after our extended absence in Church House.”