Bank donates money to gypsies and travellers' charity

A Lincolnshire charity has been given £54,032 by Lloyds Bank Foundation to help gypsies and travellers into employment.

Lincolnshire Traveller Initiative will continue to provide training and educational support to local traveller communities with the help of the grant over three years.

The charity says it aims to get more gypsies and travellers into work by helping them improve basic skills and gain work experience.

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It will use the grant money to employ an adult engagement officer and administrative support worker.

A spokesman for Lloyds Bank Foundation said: “With their new staff in place, Lincolnshire Traveller Initiative will be able to increase its offer of vocational training and support to more travellers throughout the region, providing a range of courses focused on good communication, improved literacy and job readiness. “The charity will also run personalised sessions to help with things like building confidence, writing CVs, improving interview technique and arranging work experience placements.

“With the help of Lloyds Bank Foundation’s funding, Lincolnshire Traveller Initiative will help a greater number of gypsies and travellers to find employment and live more independently.”

Lloyds Bank Foundation also supports other charities - with more than £4 million donated across England and Wales in the first of three annual grant rounds.

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Paul Streets, CEO of Lloyds Bank Foundation, added: “As highlighted in our recent research, small and medium-sized charities have been hit hardest by changes to public funding yet at the same time, demand for their services has risen. We are more committed than ever to providing vital funding to charities like Lincolnshire Travellers’ Initiative, allowing them to grow and thrive, and to reach and help the people that really rely on them.”

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