Council committee set to take next step towards a Boston Town Council

Boston Town HallBoston Town Hall
Boston Town Hall
The possibility of a town council for Boston will be on the agenda at the meeting of the borough council’s Boston Town Area Committee (BTAC) meeting tonight (Wednesday).

The committee will hear presentations from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and the Local Association of Local Councils (LALC) before deciding whether to pursue the idea further.

At its meeting in August, BTAC members agreed to task officers to explore the issues and implications involved in setting up a town council and that a complete report be tabled back to committee for consideration.

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At the meeting tomorrow, members will be asked if they want to take the next step along the route to setting up a town council after hearing the presentations and having had chance to ask questions.

That would include a consultation of residents and eventually, an election.

That BTAC Members consider the presentations from NALC and LALC and take the opportunity to asks a range of questions to obtain sufficient information to agree the next step in the process in setting up a town council.